David Lapidus
David Lapidus with his children: Esta, Dottie, Edith, and Mike. |
David was born July 14, 1888 in Ekaterinoslav city(now Ukraine, then Russia). On
March 7, 1906, he arrived in New York City.
He met Rose (Ruchel) Katz, and on June 7, 1911, they married. Rose wanted to marry
someone else, a tailor, but David was a house painter, and her
parents thought that was a more stable and secure occupation.
This turned out to be not-so-true. The family tale is that in the winter, it was
too cold to paint, and in the summer, the union would go on strike. So David didn't
get much work. David and Rose struggled to raise their family.
They had several children:
Jacob 1912 - 1914 (named for Rose's grandfather)
male child 1916 - 1916
Dorothy 1917 - 1922
Esther 1921 - 1992
Dorothy (named for her older sister)
Myron 1935 - 2004 (named for David's father Meyer)
Rose died April 7, 1944. With three growing daughters and a young son to raise,
David married again. On March 23, 1946, in the Bronx, he married Manya Scott, who
was several years younger (she was born around 1902). However, the marriage didn't
Dorothy moved out to the West Coast, and her sisters, brother, and father soon
Around 1946-1947, David married again, to Sophie. They remained married until his
death in 1958.
David and Rose's Children
Baby Jacob was born in 1912, but died in 1914 - of an ear infection.
Today these infections are considered minor, and easily cured with antibiotics
(which didn't exist at that time). He was named for his mother's
grandfather. |
A male baby was born in 1916, but lived less than a year. |
Esta was born in 1922. She was named for her mother's
Dorothy was born in 1917. She died in 1922. |
Dorothy (Dottie) was born after, and honored her sister by carrying her
name. |
Edith was born after. |
Myron was born in 1935. He was named for his father's
father. |
Mystery Photos
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Descendants of David and Rose (Katz) Lapidus
David Lapidus 1888 - 1957
+Rose (Rosie) Katz 1894 - 1944 Hebrew Name: Rochel
..... Jacob Lapidus 1912 - 1914 Hebrew Name: Jacob
..... male child Lapidus 1916 - 1916
..... Dorothy Lapidus 1917 - 1922
..... Esther Lapidus 1921 - 1992
..... +Edward Belkin 1919 - 1989
............. son Belkin
............. +wife
............. Laurel Belkin
..... Dorothy Lapidus
..... +Morrie Henkin
............. Hilary Henkin
............. Melanie Henkin
............. Douglas Henkin
............. +Linda
..... Edith Lapidus
..... +Marvin Polak
............. Robin Polak
............. +Allan Sampson
............. Son Polak
............. +Wife
..... Myron Samuel Lapidus 1935 - 2004 Hebrew Name: For Meyer Lapidus, Samuel Lapidus
..... +JoAnne
............. David Lapidus
............. +Alma
............. Sheryl Lapidus
............. Karen Lapidus
+Manya Scott 1902 - ????