Meyer and Yetta Lapidus
(Click on any face to follow that family line)
Meyer and Yetta Lapidos and their
Meyer and Yetta are sitting; David is on Meyer's knee, Minnie is standing
next to her mom, Jennie is in front, and Ida is the infant. (Sam wasn't born
The man in the back? He may be Yetta's brother, but we can't confirm that.
Photo is about 1892, in Simferopol, Ukraine. |
Meier Lapidos (Lapidus), born about 1855,
and Ita Avrutin (possibly Lavrutin), born
about 1860, were married in 1880. After serving as a saddler in the Czar's Army,
Meier became a milliner. By the 1890s, the family had settled in Mariupole, Ukraine,
a port city on the Sea of Azov. Meier and Ita, and their children, came to America
to escape Pogroms and the harsh conditions imposed upon Jews in the Russian Empire.
Besides a daughter who died young, there were Minnie, Jennie, David, Ida and Sam.
Minnie Lapidos, her husband Moshe Wolfowicz, and their two sons, Berel (Benjamin)
and Itzchok (Irving) came to the U.S. in March 1906 on the SS Noordam. Also traveling
on the same ship were her sister Jennie and Jennie's husband Meier, and her brother
Meier, Yetta, and their remaining children Ida and Sam soon followed, arriving
at Ellis Island July 5 the same year.
All the families settled in New York City, and began their new lives.
Meier's and Yetta's children:
Minnie was born about 1881. About 1898, she married Moshe Wolfowicz. (More
Info) |
Jennie was born December 11, 1885. On August 4, 1904, she married Meier
Berestetsky in Mariupola, (now Ukraine, then Russia). (More
Info) |
David was born July 14, 1888 in Ekaterinoslav city(now Ukraine, then Russia).
He came to America single, and married Rose Katz on June 7, 1911 in New York
City. He later married twice more. (More
Info) |
Ida was born February 25, 1891 in Mariupola (now Ukraine, then Russia).
She also came to America single, and on January 15, 1910 married Harry Kreps
in New York City. (More Info) |
Sam was born March 26, 1894 in Ekaterinoslav city. He also came to America
single, and on May 23, 1911, married Katie Rosen in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
He later married again. (More Info) |